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St. Catharines Chiropractic & Health Centre FAQs

Like other St. Catharines chiropractors, St. Catharines Chiropractic & Health Centre hears many questions from new and current chiropractic patients. Here are some of the most common questions and answers.

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Common Questions Answered

How much do you charge?

We are often asked what our fees are, so we have provided our fee schedule below.

Procedure Total Fee
Consultation N/C
Chiropractic Initial Exam $85.00
X-rays (Ontario Chiropractic Association Fee Schedule) Variable
Electromyograph (SEMG) Static $22.00
Electromyograph (SEMG) Dynamic $94.00
Chiropractic Treatments (per visit) $50.00
Chiropractic Re-examination $59.00
Orthotics Custom Made (first pair) $500.00
PosturePrint Posture Displacement Analysis (with exercises) $65.00
Acupuncture (per session) $63.00
Acupuncture (per 6 session pre-paid block of treatment) $325.00
Comprehensive Myofascial Therapy (1 region) $50.00
Comprehensive Myofascial Therapy (each additional region) $30.00
Chiropractic Treatments (per visit) plus Acupuncture $82.00 ($50.00 + $32.00)
Physiotherapy Initial Visit $80.00
Physiotherapy (per visit) $65.00
Personal Training (per session) $50.00
Personal Training (per 20 session pre-paid block) $800.00 ($40.00)
Service Fee: Third party form completion $15.00 – $40.00
Laser / IFC / Ultrasound $45.00
Laser (per 6 session pre-paid block of treatment) $216.00 ($36.00)
Chiropractic + Laser $50.00 + $25.00 ($75.00)
Physiotherapy + Laser $65.00 + $25.00 ($90.00)
Fees are due when services are rendered. Interest calculated at 2.0% per month. You may download our fee schedule here.

What method of payment do you accept?

There are several options available to pay your account. You may choose to pay your account at the start of each week or at the end of each visit. Or, you may prefer to establish an advance payment at the beginning of your care to save money and time at the front desk. Cash, cheque, Interact, and Visa are accepted. Unfortunately, we cannot extend credit to our patients.

What if I miss an appointment?

Please notify us if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment time to enable us to schedule someone else in your reserved time, and to reschedule your missed appointment.

How will I feel after my first adjustment?

The initial adjustment with your St. Catharines ON Chiropractor releases a tremendous amount of  tension; therefore, you may experience some different sensations. If you are not sure of what you are feeling when you get home, please call the office.

How do I discontinue care?

If you plan to discontinue care, please notify one of St. Catharines chiropractors or staff of your intentions.

Do you accept referrals?

We welcome your referrals. Any person referred to this clinic by you will receive priority status.


St. Catharines Chiropractic & Health Centre FAQs | (905) 934-7776